Joint Ventures: What's In It For You?

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

-subscribe and participate in e-mail discussion groups, online forums and newsgroups that deal with your target audience

-subscribe to e-zines that deal with your targeted audience

-note on your Web site or e-zine that you are interested in doing joint ventures

-search in your favorite web directories and search engines to find businesses to joint venture with online

Once you find a business simply e-mail them your proposal. Tellrepparttar business ownerrepparttar 140434 benefits ofrepparttar 140435 joint venture. Explain to him or her why it would be a win/win situation for both of your businesses. Give them a lot of compliments about their business, Web site, products and services. Using all three methods above will greater your chance of constructing a profitable joint venture.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang

Retailing Comes of Age

Written by John Stanley

Continued from page 1

The Baby Boomers They are in their fifties. They still have a major impact on retailing as indicated byrepparttar large amount of Ray Charles’ music being purchased on his untimely death.

This sector has money, but no time. They are inrepparttar 140433 D.I.M (Do It for Me) sector and have driven new business sectors in landscape design, rent a “hubby” and chefs preparing meals in their homes. They have drivenrepparttar 140434 organic food movement andrepparttar 140435 “slow” movement.

They are prepared to pay for someone to remove stress, yet also still want to be involved and are prepared to pay to indulge inrepparttar 140436 fun part ofrepparttar 140437 task and to purchaserepparttar 140438 fashion statements.

Greying Tigers This final group arerepparttar 140439 over 60’s. Researchers, a few years ago suggested that this group would be an affluent, stay at home sector and as a result gardening and entertainment would boom,

The home improvement industries have reapedrepparttar 140440 rewards of this growing group but not torepparttar 140441 extent they thought.

This group of greying tigers is not staying at home. The cruise industry, golf courses, theatre, restaurants and general travel industry have all grown rapidly by targeting this adventurous group.

They arerepparttar 140442 most price sensitive and nostalgic sector ofrepparttar 140443 population, but give them a comfortable experience and they will be loyal.

Your Challenge The real challenge with generational marketing is that you need to create excitement and sanctuary for all these groups, often inrepparttar 140444 same building. It’s not easy, especially when you try and mix Greying Tigers withrepparttar 140445 IKEA babies, but get it right and business should blossom.

Ten Generational Marketing Retail Tips

1.Changerepparttar 140446 music style duringrepparttar 140447 day to attract different age groups into your store at specific times ofrepparttar 140448 day. 2.Have Generation X style workshops on a specific day ofrepparttar 140449 week to attract that age group. 3.Have a “discount” day for Greying Tigers on one day a week. You may want to promote this via old peoples’ homes. 4.Use colour theming throughoutrepparttar 140450 store to distinguish different zones byrepparttar 140451 use of colour. 5.Provide children’s activity days on a specific day ofrepparttar 140452 week to attractrepparttar 140453 Jones Generation. 6.Display products in different combinations to attract different age groups eg: D.I.Y Package D.I.M Package D.I.W Packages (Do It With Me) 7.Promote services from your store to attract Baby Boomers. This may be a window cleaning service in a curtain category or a landscape design service in a garden centre. 8.Readrepparttar 140454 magazines that are targeted torepparttar 140455 different age groups, so you’re aware of what they are being exposed to. 9.Make sure printed signs are in bigger print when targeting Greying Tigers. 10.Keep changing; your consumers are.

John Stanley is a conference speaker and retail consultant with over 20 years experience in 15 countries. John works with retailers around the world assisting them with their merchandising, staff and management training, customer flow, customer service and image. If you would like to receive John’s monthly newsletter please visit or email us on

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